Posts Tagged ‘garlic fried rice’


garlic fried rice (home kitchen)

November 1, 2008

marina del rey, ca 90295
yumyuminthetumtum’s home kitchen

when my dad was ill and had lost his appetite, one day, he asked if i could cook some garlic fried rice for him.  though i’d never cooked it before, but i remember the ones i had observed a numerous times of those teppanyaki chefs at the japanese restaurants dad used to take us when we were kids.  while the chefs were cooking in front of us, i used to imagine myself being their apprentice and cooked those dishes in my head. :D  so, when presented with the random request, i tried my best and whipped up this dish from memory. ask permission to use image

…so, this was my dad’s favorite garlic fried rice that i used to cook for him alot, back in sydney few years ago… ^^ (i had not cooked this again since, …until this one, which i cooked back in may) … a simple dish if you want a quick meal and love garlic. ^^

ingredients used ~
– chopped onions
– lotsa finely chopped garlic (for this portion, i used only one whole bulb)
– spring onions
– olive (or veggie/corn) oil
– egg
– ground pepper
– sukiyaki sauce (sometimes i use soba sauce, or terriyaki sauce which is abit stronger/saltier in taste if you prefer)
– multigrain rice
… served in green bell pepper as bowl (i eat that, too… no food being wasted :p) and alfalfa sprouts (leftover from homemade sandwich :p) atop as garnish

(…after you’ve heated the pan/oil, start with the garlic first, then onions… the eggs and spring onions last after the rice)

bon appetit! enjoy ~ ;)